Tuesday, 16 April 2013

New - Parabl Talking Therapies Service



Parabl Talking Therapies Service

The Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is investing nearly £1.5million over 5 years in Counselling services for people with common mental health problems.

The service, known as ‘Parabl’, which means ‘to talk or discuss’ in Welsh, became operational on 2nd April, 2013.

The service is being managed by CAIS on behalf of a consortium of North Wales charities. Partners include Advance Brighter Futures, Flintshire Mind, Aberconwy Mind, CAIS, Tan y Maen, Ynys Mon and Gwynedd Mind, Vale of Clwyd Mind and Relate.

Referral to the service can be through a health professional, such as a GP, or individuals may refer themselves by telephone. Once a referral is received a telephone assessment is carried out to establish the most appropriate support for that individual. Support ranges from self-help resources, one-to-one counselling, through to group sessions, available in Community settings such as GP practices, leisure centres and community centres throughout North Wales.  

Wyn Thomas, Assistant Director, Community Partnership Development for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board,  said “We are pleased to be working with partners to offer such a comprehensive service for people throughout North Wales.  The Parabl Talking Therapies is a service to meet the needs of adults over the age of 18, who are resident in North Wales. The service is aimed at people with common mental health problems, including bereavement and relationship difficulties.”

“As well as providing self-help resources, including an interactive self-help programme called the Serenity Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programme, group sessions are available over 7-8 weeks to cover such subjects as Coping with Life, Stress Management and Mindfulness.  Up to 6 weekly sessions of individual counselling sessions are also available for individuals who want to discuss any challenging life events which are impacting on their mental well being.”

Self-referrals can be made by telephoning 0300 777 2257.

Gwasanaeth Therapïau ‘Parabl’

Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn buddsoddi bron i £1.5 miliwn dros 5 mlynedd mewn gwasanaethau Cynghori i bobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl cyffredin.

Daeth y gwasanaeth, a elwir yn ‘Parabl’, sy’n golygu sgwrsio neu drafod, yn weithredol ar 2 Ebrill 2013.

Mae’r gwasanaeth yn cael ei reoli gan CAIS ar ran consortiwm o elusennau Gogledd Cymru. Ymhlith y partneriaid mae Advance Brighter Futures, Mind Sir y Fflint, Mind Aberconwy, CAIS, Tan y Maen, Mind Ynys Môn a Gwynedd,  Mind Dyffryn Clwyd a Relate.

Gall gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol, megis meddygon teulu, gyfeirio pobl at y gwasanaeth, neu gall unigolion eu cyfeirio eu hunain, dros y ffôn. Pan fydd cyfeiriad yn cael ei dderbyn, gwneir asesiad dros y ffôn i sefydlu’r gefnogaeth fwyf priodol i’r unigolyn. Mae cymorth yn amrywio o adnoddau hunan gymorth, cynghori un i un, neu sesiynau grŵp, sydd ar gael yn y gymuned mewn llefydd fel meddygfeydd, canolfannau hamdden a chanolfannau cymunedol ledled Gogledd Cymru.

Dywedodd Wyn Thomas, Cyfarwyddwr Cynorthwyol, Datblygu Partneriaeth Cymunedol ar gyfer Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr  “Rydym yn falch o gael cydweithio â phartneriaid i gynnig gwasanaeth mor gynhwysfawr i bobl ar hyd a lled Gogledd Cymru. Mae Therapïau Parabl yn wasanaeth i fodloni anghenion oedolion dros 18 oed sy’n byw yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae wedi’i anelu at bobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl cyffredin, yn cynnwys anawsterau gyda pherthnasoedd a phrofedigaeth.”

“Yn ogystal â chynnig adnoddau hunan gymorth, yn cynnwys rhaglen hunan gymorth ryngweithiol o’r enw rhaglen gyfrifiadurol Therapi Ymddygiad Gwybyddol Serenity, mae sesiynau grŵp ar gael dros 7-8 wythnos i drafod pynciau fel Ymdopi â Bywyd, Rheoli Straen ac Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar.  Mae hyd at chwe sesiwn gynghori wythnosol unigol hefyd ar gael i unigolion sydd eisiau trafod unrhyw ddigwyddiadau anodd yn eu bywydau sy’n cael effaith ar eu lles meddyliol.”

Gellir gwneud hunan gyfeiriad drwy ffonio 0300 777 2257.


Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Desg y Wasg PBC ar 01248 384776.

About CAIS

CAIS is a registered charity and leading voluntary sector provider of drug and alcohol services in Wales. We help people who are having problems with their alcohol or drug use, as well as offering support and information to their families and friends.
